Future of P2E

Much like any industry that receives the amount of media attention and community support that Play 2 Earn has, it’s no wonder that this industry has impressive figures to its name. In 2020, the crypto gaming industry had a total revenue of $321 million, with this figure only seeming to increase as time goes on.

Considering the current popularity of NFTs, it’s no wonder that this has become a central incorporation of blockchain gaming, with NFT-based card games or collection challenges becoming very popular. Many gaming platforms have built their games on this principle, with NFTs being the primary characters of powerups that users can employ in-game.

One case of this, Battle Drones, is a community-led blockchain game that allows players to take on a range of hostile drones with their own NFT collections. Systems like these have a lot of potential, with continual development and promise to expand their use case demonstrating that P2E isn’t slowing down anytime soon.

Another promising factor that is likely to influence the presence of P2E gaming in the general gaming industry is the continual advancements that are being made due to the arrival of the Metaverse. The ability to take these games to the next level by creating a system where users can actively build, create, and develop within a metaverse sandbox has infinite potential.

As this industry continues to become more advanced, taking on the developments within blockchain, gaming, and the Metaverse, we’re likely to see a system that becomes infinitely more complex – yet radically more enjoyable and profitable for users.

From humble beginnings with Huntercoin to a system that has over 400 active blockchain games, P2E gaming has had a turbulent but fascinating history.

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